VuNet Docs

Configuration > Data Model

Getting Started with Data Model


In vuSmartMaps™, we introduce an innovative Data Model feature, designed to revolutionize the way data is handled. This feature allows users to efficiently model data through aggregation and buckets, and then transform it seamlessly.

A key capability is the ability to join two disjoint datasets, providing a cohesive view of diverse data sources. Our Data Model standardizes how Golden Signals, Metrics, and Attributes are consumed, making it an indispensable tool for end-users. This standardized approach is not just limited to data visualization; it extends to enhancing the functionality of alerts, reports, and insights, ensuring a comprehensive and intuitive data-handling experience.

Users can define and configure Data Models to enrich them with domain-specific insights. Also,

  • The Data Model simplifies the data consumption layer by eliminating the need for learning complex database queries. 
  • The Data Model empowers users to refine data by performing manipulations, massages, and facilitating joins with other datasets, thereby generating new correlated and contextualized data. 
  • Additionally, the Data Model provides users with the capability to retrieve data from various data stores, enabling them to merge and transform datasets seamlessly.

Embarking on Data Modelling Workspace

  1. Accessing Data Modelling Workspace: Navigating your Data Modelling Workspace is a breeze. Begin by visiting the vuSmartMaps homepage and selecting “Data Modelling Workspace” under the Explore section. Once you’re there, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of your data models. You can easily manage your models by performing actions such as creating, viewing, editing, and deleting them. For enhanced control, customize permissions for different roles—whether it’s granting viewing rights or permitting modifications. 
  2. Data Store: A data store is a repository for persistently storing and managing collections of data. Accessing and handling the data stores is simple and can be found at the top-left corner of the Data Models listing page. vuSmartMaps supports a variety of backend databases, making it highly adaptable to your needs. You can effortlessly query these Data Stores using a standard Query Editor or tailor your queries to the specific capabilities of each Data Store. Currently, Data Stores officially supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, and Hyperscale DB. 
  3. New Data Model Creation: Creating a new Data Model is a breeze with our intuitive platform. The process consists of four straightforward steps: Start by providing the basic information, set up your data query, apply any necessary transformations, and finally, define the properties of your Data Model. 
    • Basic Information: You are required to provide a unique and intuitive name and a brief description of the data model.
    • Prepare Data Query: This involves crafting queries to fetch data from your databases. The process allows you to choose between building queries using a user-friendly Query Builder or directly specifying a Raw query, giving you flexibility in how you model your data.
    • Do Transform: These transformations enable data manipulation to suit your specific needs. While not mandatory for data models with a single query, they become vital, especially join and concatenate transformations, when working with multiple queries.
    • Set Properties:  You can select the metrics and buckets you want to expose through this data model. In the ‘Set Properties’ step, you can choose, and define properties for the metrics and buckets to be accessible to Data Model users.

Support for Dynamic Filters in Dashboards VuNet’s dashboard lets you use dynamic filters for data viewing. The addition of the data model to the dashboard occurs indirectly via Insights. Configure your queries with custom filters to accurately filter the data on the dashboard.

Further Reading


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