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Data Management > Data Retention

Data Retention

In vuSmartMaps, administrators can efficiently manage data retention settings through the user-friendly graphical interface. These settings allow you to define retention duration for hot storage, warm storage, and cold storage.

Welcome to the vuSmartMaps Data Retention User Guide, providing a comprehensive overview of how administrators can leverage the centralized and intuitive platform to oversee data retention policies across various storage tiers. These policies are implemented to ensure efficient data management, compliance, and optimized system performance.


To manage data retention effectively, it is essential to have admin access.

Getting Started

Supported Data Stores and Retention Hierarchies

vuSmartMaps supports Data Management for multiple storage providers, offering out-of-the-box support for two primary Data Stores:

  1. HyperScale Data Store
  2. NoSQL Data Store

The Data Retention module in vuSmartMaps introduces three distinct storage types, each serving a specific purpose in managing data efficiently:

Hot Storage

Hot Storage is dedicated to meeting the immediate and frequent access needs of recent and critical data. This storage tier offers high-speed access, making it ideal for frequently accessed information crucial for ongoing operations. The default retention period for Hot Storage is set to 7 days, ensuring a balance between accessibility and efficient data management.

Warm Storage

Warm Storage provides an intermediate solution for data that is accessed less frequently but remains relevant for a longer duration. This storage type offers moderate-speed access, catering to less frequently accessed yet still pertinent data. Administrators have the flexibility to configure the retention period recommended within the range of 8 to 38 days, allowing for a tailored approach to data management.

Cold Storage

Cold Storage is designed for long-term archival and storage of historical or rarely accessed data. While the access speed is lower compared to Hot and Warm Storage, Cold Storage ensures the preservation of critical historical information, serving as a reliable repository for data with enduring value.

Retention Period Hierarchy

It’s important to understand that the retention periods for Hot, Warm, and Cold storage follow a specific hierarchy: Hot retention must be equal to or less than Warm retention, and Warm retention must be equal to or less than Cold retention.

Here’s a simplified example: if Hot retention is set to 10 days, Warm retention to 20 days, and Cold retention to 30 days, the data management process works like this:

  • Data from the last 10 days is stored in Hot storage.
  • The last 10 days’ worth of data (days T-11 to T-20) is stored in Warm storage.
  • A backup copy of Hot data is maintained in Cold storage. The cold data preserves the last 30 days of data.
  • Data Archival: Every day at 10:30 PM, data is automatically moved from Hot/Warm to Cold storage. Older data is then deleted from Cold storage based on the retention settings.

By categorizing data into Hot, Warm, and Cold Storage, vuSmartMaps enables administrators to strategically align their data management with the nature and frequency of access, thus optimizing storage efficiency. Data retention settings are designed to effectively manage data across these states. Optimizing data storage is crucial, as it directly influences costs. The configuration of data retention settings is flexible, allowing configurations to suit user-specific requirements. Refer configuration of data retention settings to know the specific steps in detail to manage hot, warm, and cold retention periods.

Further Reading

  1. Archive and retrieve data with Data Storage
  2. Monitor and manage vuSmartMaps with vuSiteManager


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