Import Data


Import Data is your gateway to effortlessly harnessing information from diverse sources to gain rapid insights.

In this user guide, we’ll walk you through the process of importing data, making it as seamless as possible. With Import Data, you can transform a CSV file into a structured table within moments, facilitating an instant understanding of your data.

Whether you’re creating a new table or updating an existing one, we’ve got you covered with detailed instructions on configuring your data for the destination Data Store.

This powerful feature enables you to work with offline data from third-party systems and files, ranging from application schedules to software upgrades and sales data.

Navigating through Import Data

Accessing Import Data

vuSmartMaps Import Data can be accessed by navigating from the left navigation menu (Configure Observability > Import Data).

Landing Page

The Landing Page is divided into two main sections.

  1. Import Data: Here, you can upload a CSV file, preview it, and set up the table and columns. You can preview the uploaded data and configure the table as required.
  2. History: This tab displays details of previously imported CSV files, providing options to sort and filter columns, as well as to download CSV files.

Import Data

You can upload files up to 20 MB in two ways:

  1. Upload a CSV File:
    • Click the upload button, choose a CSV file, and upload it.
    • Click Upload File.
  2. Use a CSV File Link:
    • Paste the CSV file’s web link in the provided text box.
    • Click “Upload File.”
    • Once the upload is done, a preview of the data will appear below

Note: You can upload CSV files from a URL, but please note that it only works with direct, publicly accessible links. Links that require authentication checks are not supported.

 Alternatively, you can Drag and Drop a file.


After clicking “Upload File,” you’ll instantly see a preview of your CSV file in a table format. Scroll down to view it.

You can filter, sort, and search for specific data in the table as needed.

Update Details

In this section, you can configure the file’s data to either create a new table or update an existing one.

Before adding data to the destination Data Store, you need to provide additional configuration details, including:

  • Destination Type: Choose between PostgresSQL or Elasticsearch (mandatory).
  • Timestamp Columns: Select fields that contain time-series data.
  • Primary Key Column: Specify the primary key field from the list.
  • Category: For Postgres, select a category from the dropdown (options: New Signals Config, Firmware Upgrade, Infra Maintenance, and Special Sales Schedule).

Note: Currently, only “Infra Maintenance” is supported.

  • Table Name/Index Name:  If using Postgres, choose an existing table from the dropdown to update or overwrite data. For Elasticsearch, manually enter the index name.


It displays details of previously imported CSV files. 

You can:

  • Sort columns by clicking the Sort button next to each column.
  • Filter columns using the Add Filter dropdown.
  • Download CSV files by clicking the download button in the Actions Column.

Further Reading


When uploading your CSV file, choose the option to update an existing table in HyperScale DB by selecting it from the dropdown in the Table Name field. This allows you to merge new data with existing records.

Yes, ensure your CSV file is within the 20 MB limit

Yes, you can review the history of imported CSV files by navigating to the History tab. Here, you can sort, filter, and download previous files for verification.

After uploading your CSV file, you can preview the data in a table format to verify its structure. Use the sorting and filtering options to ensure accuracy before finalizing the import.


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