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Ved AI – A Gen AI based Chatbot (Beta)


Meet Ved, the AI-powered Gen AI Bot for vuSmartMaps! Ved takes user interaction to the next level, seamlessly integrating it into modules to boost productivity and engagement.

Users actively shape responses through interactive feedback, and comprehensive answers, including text and charts, enrich the user experience. A one-click download feature ensures seamless documentation of interactions. Ved transforms the application experience, fostering increased engagement, streamlined support, and a more intuitive user journey.

Working with Ved

Access Ved: Click on the Gen AI Bot icon as shown below.

The landing page appears as shown below.

Choose Topic: Select one of the 5 topics and start prompting the questions accordingly.

  • Knowledge Base: A set of common internal questions about issues raised and their solutions can be accessed here along with internal knowledge content.
  • Documentation: The vuSmartMaps User Guide will be searched and answers will be provided for the prompts.
  • Alerts: The internal alerts database is searched to answer these questions and interactive charts are provided where applicable
  • UPI: The internal UPI transactions database is searched to answer these questions and interactive charts are provided where necessary for quick and glance-able information
  • IBMB: Answers related to Internet Banking Mobile Banking (IBMB) transactions can be found here by accessing the relevant IBMB database.

Sample Prompts

Please find the sample prompts and respective answers for each of the topics. Please note that the responses generated by the Gen AI Bot are enriched with various content types, including text and charts, ensuring that users receive comprehensive and informative answers.

Knowledge Base

  1. What is meant by UPI?

  2. What does the error code U28 mean?
  3. What is meant by a remitter bank?

More prompts:

  • What does the error code U10 mean?
  • What could be the reasons for technical declines?
  • What could be the reasons for the dip in UPI transactions?


  1. How to set up data enrichment in vsmaps?
  2. How to use a search query in vsmaps?

More prompts:

  • What is the Alert console in vsmaps?
  • What type of authentication does vsmaps support?
  • How to manage a pipeline in vsmaps?
  • How to configure URL healthbeat in vsmaps?


  1. What is the share of alerts by severity in 2023?
  2. Which are the top 3 alerts with the longest duration in 2023?

More prompts:

  • What is the trend of alerts per day in July 2023?
  • What is the average duration of alerts for each application in 2023?
  • What is the share of alerts by component in 2023?
  • What is the share of alerts by journey in 2023?


  1. How many UPI transactions were successful in 2023?
  2. Who are the top 3 merchants with the highest TAT in UPI transactions in 2023?
  3. What is the share of successful and failed UPI transactions in 2023?

More prompts:

  • How many UPI transactions occurred during each hour of the day on October 3, 2023?
  • How many errors occurred by merchants in UPI transactions in 2023?
  • What are the top three error codes in UPI transactions in 2023?
  • What is the count of the ‘UM3’ error code by merchant in UPI transactions in 2023?
  • What are the 50th, 75th, and 95th percentiles of TAT in UPI transactions in 2023?


  1. What is the trend of ibmb transactions between 13th to 15th November?

  2. How many transactions happened in IBMB by Transaction Category, in November 2023?

More prompts:

  • How many transactions were there in IBMB in November 2023?
  • How many technical declines were there in IBMB in November 2023?
  • How many business declines were there in IBMB in November 2023?
  • How many transactions have happened in IBMB by Response Category, in november?
  • What are the top three banks with the maximum IBMB transaction failure rates in November?
  • How many transactions happened in IBMB by Transaction Type, in November 2023?
  • How many transactions happened in IBMB by Root Cause in November 2023?

User Feedback

When the Gen AI Bot gives responses, you can interact in a few ways:

  • Like: Show approval for helpful answers.
  • Dislike: Give feedback on less helpful responses.
  • Copy: Quickly copy text from responses for reference or sharing.

Download Conversations

To maintain a record of their interactions, you can download the entire conversation history using the Download Conversation button. This feature facilitates easy reference and documentation.

Further Reading


Ved assists with a range of topics, including:

  • Knowledge Base: Access to a repository of articles, FAQs, and guides.
  • Documentation: Detailed manuals and how-to guides for various processes.
  • Alerts: Information on alerts, their configurations, and management.
  • UPI (Unified Payments Interface): Guidance on UPI operations, troubleshooting, and optimization.
  • IBMB: Insights and support for using the IBMB system.

Ved leverages internal databases and extensive knowledge sources to provide accurate and timely answers

Ved can provide detailed explanations for error codes such as U28 and U10, including:

  • Error Description: What does the “error code” mean.
  • Potential Causes: Common reasons why the error occurs.
  • Solutions: Step-by-step instructions to resolve the error.

Simply ask Ved about a specific error code, and it will retrieve relevant information from the internal knowledge base.

Ask Ved for the share of alerts by severity for a specific period (e.g., 2023). Ved will generate interactive charts and detailed statistics showing the distribution of alerts categorized by severity levels such as Warning, Error, and Critical.

  • Use the like or dislike buttons available with each response.
  • Additionally, you can provide specific comments on why a response was helpful or not. 


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