Observability Experience Center

Out-of-box Observability for instant
insights, data-driven decisions and
intelligent collaboration.

Ready to experience some magic?


UPI Observability Experience Center

Experience unified business journey observability for UPI.

IBMB Observability Experience Center

Experience the Future of Observability in Internet & Mobile Banking!

VuNet's solution has been a game-changer

“VuNet’s Business Journey Observability solution for our UPI Journey has been a game-changer. In the past, our visibility into transactions and failure detection was limited, leading to a direct impact on customer experience. However, with VuNet’s platform, we now have real-time insights from infrastructure to applications – providing a comprehensive operational and business overview. As a result, the technical failures have reduced, directly translating to an elevated customer experience.”

Mr. B B Dikshit
DGM CO DBD, Indian Bank
Everything you need for best-in-class service


VuNet Secures Rs. 60 Crore in Series B Funding