Linux Monitoring

A Linux-based computer system or server is observed in order to track and analyze its behavior, health, and performance. A Linux system must be observed to make sure it runs smoothly, effectively, and securely.

Please follow the below-mentioned steps to configure the observability of the Linux server. This explains the stepwise procedure to add the Linux source and configure it to perform observability.

Step 1: vuSmartMaps O11ySources can be accessed by navigating from the left navigation menu (Data Ingestion > O11ySources).

Step 2: Click on Linux Monitoring to navigate to the Linux Monitoring O11ySource Configuration.

Step 3: Click on Enable to start Linux Monitoring. Read through the Get Started page to understand how to work with this O11ySource.

Step 4: Go to Sources and click on “+” button to add the source.

Step 5: Add the source which you want to monitor. Provide Server IP Address and configure other parameters based on your requirements. Click on Next.

Step 6: Download the agent package.

  1. If it is a fresh installation download the Healthbeat full installer package.
  2. if you are already running healthbeat download the healthbeat config update package.

Step 7: Copy the binaries to the source which you have added.

Step 8: Use the steps in Get Started page to install the binaries in the target linux server. Extract the downloaded healthbeat package and run the Healthbeat installation script.

bash ./install --quick

Step 9: Please provide the directory where you would like to install the agent.

Step 10: After the installation is complete, Start the agent.

Step 11: Go to Dashboard > Linux > Linux Server Insights to verify data for the target server.


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