
A  B  C  D  E  F  G    J  K  L   N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y 


  • Activation: Process of enabling vuRCA BOT pipelines after configuring workspaces and signalizers.
  • Active Alert Severity: The level of severity of alerts that are currently active, impacting the system and potentially causing negative experiences for customers.
  • Active Data Duration: The time period for which data remains readily accessible in the system, allowing quick retrieval.
  • Active Data, Inactive Data, Archive Data: Categories specifying the retention durations for different states of data in the data retention settings.
  • Active Notifications: Notifications are generated when the alert condition is met.
  • Ad-hoc Reports: Reports generated on the fly based on immediate needs, providing tailored insights without a predefined schedule.
  • Ad-Hoc Variables: Dynamic filters allow users to interactively apply filters on the fly while viewing a dashboard, enabling quick exploration of specific subsets of data without pre-configuration.
  • Add Field Override: An option allowing modification of settings for specific fields in HTML widget visualization, providing flexibility and customization based on field types and properties.
  • Advanced Configuration: Additional settings and functionalities are accessible through a YAML interface to customize alert rules beyond standard menu options.
  • AETC (Average Expected Time To Close): The average expected time for an incident to be closed. It is determined based on historical data or by setting a default timeout for new incidents.
  • Alarm Clear Controls: Conditions and configurations related to the clearing of alarms.
  • Alarm Clear: Notifications indicating the resolution or deactivation of the alert condition.
  • Alarm Controls: Controls related to alarm behavior, including alarm mode, escalation, and force update.
  • Alarm Escalation: A strategy for escalating alert notifications based on the duration of the alert condition.
  • Alarm Mode: A mode choice for alerts, enabling tracking of the alarm state and generating notifications when conditions are met or cleared.
  • Alert Channels: Different communication channels through which alert notifications are sent, such as email, WhatsApp, Slack, etc.
  • Alert Clear: Notifications indicating the resolution or deactivation of the alert condition.
  • Alert Console: A centralized view providing a list of notifications with comprehensive event details.
  • Alert Controls: Settings and configurations that influence the behavior of alert notifications, including scheduling, alarm mode, and throttling.
  • Alert Document: A detailed record of an alert event, providing essential information and instructions on accessing and formatting specific alert documents.
  • Alert Mode: A mode choice for alerts, enabling tracking of the alarm state and generating notifications when conditions are met or cleared.
  • Alert Notifications: Notifications generated by vuSmartMaps to inform users about predefined events or issues in the system.
  • Alert Rule: A set of conditions and configurations defining when and how alert notifications should be generated.
  • Alert Severity Widgets: Widgets in the Alert Console categorize events by severity (Critical, Error, Warning, Information) to provide a summary of each category.
  • Alert State: The current status of an alert, indicating whether it is active, cleared, or undergoing periodic updates.
  • Alert Throttling: A capability allowing dynamic adjustment of event throttling settings to manage alerts effectively.
  • Alerting System Interface: The user interface or platform through which users interact with and configure alerting rules.
  • Alerting System Interface: The user interface or platform through which users interact with and configure alerting rules.
  • Alerting: A feature providing users with the capability to create personalized alerts based on specific needs.
  • Alerts Database: A repository of internal alerts, providing information about issues and their severity.
  • Alerts: Notifications generated by vuSmartMaps to inform users about predefined events or issues in the system.
  • Annotations: Queries retrieving event data for visualization within graph panels, enhancing integration of events into dashboard graphs.
  • Ansible Tower: Automation platform that provides a REST API interface for managing and executing Auto Remediation jobs.
  • API (Application Programming Interface): A set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs are utilized for tracking and managing metrics related to system performance and distribution.
  • API Distribution by Host per Site: A tab providing an overview of metrics for each host within a site.
  • API Distribution by Site: A tab offering insights into metrics for individual transaction APIs at the site level.
  • Archived Data Duration: The specified number of days archived data is stored in the archive partition, requiring more time for access and utilization.
  • Archived Indices: Indices in a state where resources are entirely freed from the active data partition, and a copy is created in designated backup storage, differentiating it from closed indices.
  • Area Chart: A type of chart used to visualize time-series data trends by plotting data points on x- and y-axes and connecting them with lines. The area under the lines is often filled with color or shading to emphasize trends.
  • Arithmetic Operation: A mode in the “Add Field” transformation for creating a new field based on mathematical operations between existing fields.
  • Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of a user, system, or device, typically through the use of credentials like usernames, passwords, or keys. Advanced methods for user authentication, including LDAP Integration, ADFS Integration, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), provide flexibility and security.
  • Auto Indentation: Automatic adjustment of indentation levels in HTML code to improve readability and structure.
  • Auto Remediation: Automated processes for resolving issues or taking corrective actions based on predefined conditions.
  • Autocomplete Functionality: A feature in HTML widget visualization that suggests and completes HTML code while typing, enhancing user-friendliness and reducing errors.
  • Automated Discovery: vuTraces’ capability to automatically identify and map the components of your application, simplifying the understanding of service interactions.
  • Automated Enrichment: Integration of the data enrichment feature into data stream pipelines for a seamless and automated enrichment process.


  • Bar Chart: A graphical representation of data using bars, where the length of each bar corresponds to the quantity it represents. Bar charts are effective for comparing values across categories.
  • Bell Button Notification: An icon located at the top right corner of vuSmartMaps pages, displaying recently generated notifications with a red count for new ones.
  • Border: An HTML widget property allowing border size and style configuration for specified elements, influencing the appearance of separators and other components.
  • Bot Settings: Configure topological correlation frequency and training frequency for incident observability and model training.
  • Bucket Aggregation: The process of dividing data into groups or intervals for analysis, relevant in scenarios involving multiple metrics or time intervals.
  • Business Declines: Instances where transactions fail due to business-related reasons.
  • Business Journeys: The end-to-end processes within an organization, deeply observable through vuSmartMaps, analyzing transaction data and patterns to enhance performance.


  • Chart Types: Different visual representations such as Line charts, Area charts, and Vertical Bar charts, enhance the visualization of data in reports.
  • CHI Storyboard and Anomaly Storyboard: Specific storyboards offering insights on configured ML methods for metrics.
  • Clear Notifications: Notifications indicating the resolution or deactivation of the alert condition.
  • CLI (Command Line Interface): A text-based interface used for interacting with a computer or software by typing commands.
  • ClickHouse(CH): An open-source columnar database management system designed for high-performance analytics on large datasets. ClickHouse is known for its speed and efficiency in processing analytical queries, making it suitable for real-time data analysis and reporting within the vuSmartMaps platform.
  • Clone: A feature allowing replication of an existing alert rule for quick duplication and modification.
  • Closed Indices: Inactive indices that consume minimal resources but can be reopened if necessary, providing a balance between resource usage and accessibility.
  • Cluster Confidence Threshold: A parameter setting in hyperparameter configuration, determining the minimum confidence required for clustering rules during inference.
  • Collapsible Sections: Expandable and collapsible segments within the scheduling interface that can be hidden or revealed for a cleaner user experience.
  • Community String: In SNMP, a community string serves as a password or key to control access to network devices.
  • Compliance and Data Protection: Adherence to industry regulations and data protection requirements, ensuring the safeguarding of sensitive information and maintaining data integrity in vuSmartMaps.
  • Compound Alert Rules: Multiple alert rules are configured within an alert rule, where the alarm state becomes active only when all configured rules are true.
  • Comprehensive Answers: Responses generated by Gen AI Bot, enriched with various content types such as text and charts, ensuring users receive detailed and informative answers.
  • Configurable Streaming Applications: Users’ ability to create customized streaming applications to meet specific use cases and requirements.
  • Configuration Guide: Step-by-step instructions for setting up and configuring LDAP Integration and ADFS Integration within vuSmartMaps.
  • Configurations: Personalization options on the Alert Console page, including Configure Displayed Fields and Adjust Alert Display.
  • Consumption Layer: The section where information about issues impacting business performance is available. It focuses on active alert severity to assess how external users perceive the system.
  • Content Mode: A text mode in the HTML widget panel allowing creation and editing of HTML code for visualization.
  • Contextual Data: Additional information associated with a unique key in the enrichment table, is used to enhance the understanding and analysis of raw data.
  • Contextual Information: Additional information is provided in alert notifications.
  • Contextualized Insights: Adding relevant information to “Raw Data” in real-time processing using the vu3T correlation technique, combining Time, Topology, and Transaction.
  • Create a New Dashboard Filter: The process of setting up new filters for a dashboard involves steps such as navigating to Dashboard Settings, Variables, and adding a new variable with specific configurations.
  • Credentials: Information used to confirm the identity of a user, system, or device, often including usernames, passwords, or keys.
  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values): A file format for storing tabular data, where each line represents a row and the values are separated by commas.
  • CSV File Link: A web link pointing to a CSV file that is publicly accessible on the internet.
  • Custom Headers: Named headings added to HTML dashboards for improved organization and identification of dashboard blocks.
  • Custom Variables: Manually defined variables providing greater control over available options, commonly used in filters to restrict data based on specific criteria.
  • Customization: Process of modifying HTML widget properties, such as names, descriptions, and links, to tailor visualizations and enhance usability. OR, Tailoring alert configurations, scripts, and notifications to meet specific requirements or preferences.


  • Daily Indices for Time-Series Data: An organizational strategy in vuSmartMaps for time-series data, involving the use of daily indices to streamline data management and quick searches.
  • Dashboard Filters: Mechanisms within dashboards to refine datasets based on specific criteria, facilitating concentration on particular data subsets, data comparison, and the creation of configurable views.
  • Dashboard: A visual representation of data, allowing users to pick relevant dashboards for report creation and providing a comprehensive overview.
  • Data Availability: Ensuring that relevant data remains accessible when needed, with active data for real-time analysis and inactive/archived data for historical or compliance purposes.
  • Data Enrichment: The process of enhancing raw data by adding relevant contextual information, making it more valuable for analysis and decision-making.
  • Data Extraction Module: A component designed to refresh the destination (proxy and/or database) with the most recent data from the data model. Jobs are configured for each signal ID or data model to ensure a continuous supply of data at the destination.
  • Data Flow Status: Information presented in a dialogue box showcasing the data flow status at each stage, including agent status, input topic, pipelines, output topic, and data store.
  • Data Ingestion: The process of importing and incorporating data into a system, in this case, managed through the Data Extraction module.
  • Data Model Workspace: A user-friendly environment for querying, refining, and configuring data models, including dimensions, transformations, and properties.
  • Data Model: An abstraction of golden signals with dimensions, transformations, and properties. Users configure data model definitions, including domain-level information and critical thresholds. OR A configuration specifying metrics and thresholds for alert conditions.
  • Data Onboarding: The process of configuring data sources and enabling O11ySources to seamlessly integrate with existing setups, consolidating data from multiple sources for enhanced business observability with vuSmartMaps.
  • Data Pipeline: A sequence of steps in which data flows through a system, incorporating the enrichment process to enhance data at various stages.
  • Data Processing Journey: Lifecycle of data from collection through Observability Sources, I/O Streams, Data Pipeline, and finally to DataStore Connectors.
  • Data Purge: The process of easily removing old data while ensuring quick searches and maintaining data efficiency.
  • Data Reception Status Indicator: Color-coded buttons displaying the data collection status for the last 15 minutes, providing a quick visual indicator of data reception.
  • Data Retention: The practice of preserving data for a specified period, involving configurations for Active Data Duration, Inactive Data Duration, and Archived Data Duration.
  • Data Schema: A centralized management system in vuSmartMaps for organizing logs, events, metrics, and traces in a single location, ensuring data consistency.
  • Data Set Analysis: Detecting outliers on an observability platform, allowing early identification of abnormal patterns in system metrics, logs, and performance metrics.
  • Data Store: The layer where users specify configuration details and methods to collect time series data/metrics from various sources. It includes information about the host, user credentials, keys, and tokens stored in an encrypted file.
  • Data Streams Flow: A visual representation of the data flow within an O11ySource, illustrating the journey of data through input streams, pipelines, output streams, enrichments, and connectors.
  • Data Streams: Continuous flow of data within the vuSmartMaps platform, integral for data acquisition, processing, and storage.
  • Data Subset: A specific portion of data defined by the chosen index prefix and associated data retention settings.
  • Debugger: A feature in HTML widget visualization that highlights errors and warnings in the HTML code, providing line numbers for easier debugging.
  • Default Data Retention Settings: The predefined settings are applied when no specific data retention configurations are provided.
  • Default Homepage: A personalized dashboard set for users or user roles upon logging into vuSmartMaps.
  • Diagnosis: Throughput, Clear Flow Observability, Speedy Issue Detection, and Field Level Issue Resolution for efficient issue identification and resolution.
  • Div: An HTML element used to define sections or divisions within an HTML document, often styled or configured for specific purposes.
  • Donut Chart: A circular statistical graphic with slices similar to a pie chart, but with a hole in the center. Donut charts represent proportional data, and the size of each slice corresponds to the quantity it represents.
  • Download and View the Data Statistics: A feature in vuSmartMaps allowing users to view comprehensive data statistics, including data units, request time, query count, and other relevant details.
  • Download Conversation Button: A feature allowing users to download the entire conversation history with the Gen AI Bot for reference and documentation.


  • ELT Process: Stands for Extract, Transform, Load—a process involving the extraction of data from sources, its transformation into a suitable format, and loading it into a destination such as a database.
  • Email Configuration: Configuring email settings for report delivery, including subject, description, groups, and specific email addresses.
  • Encryption: The process of converting information into a code to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring secure communication.
  • Enrichment Configuration: The data enrichment configuration process involves the creation of enrichment tables with keys and values.
  • Enrichment Table: A lookup table where key-value pairs are stored, with keys representing unique identifiers and values containing additional information to enrich the data.
  • Error List: A tab within Error Rate Overview presenting a list of errors encountered, along with details like error type and occurrence.
  • Error Rate Overview: Empowers users to gain insights into application errors and identify their sources within the environment.
  • Escalation Matrix: A strategy for escalating alert notifications based on the duration of the alert condition.
  • ETC (Expected Time to Close): The estimated time for an incident to be resolved contributes to the AETC calculation.
  • Evaluation Script: Advanced control over alert rules using Python scripts, defining conditions and actions for alert behavior.
  • Event Correlation: A sub-module optimizing investigation time for potential downtimes and failures. Features include Basic Details, Event Sources, Settings and Save Alert Console, and RCA Bot Workspace.
  • Event Throttling: Controlling the rate of alert notifications to prevent excessive alerts and reduce noise.
  • Execution Frequency: The time interval at which the data extraction job is scheduled to run for a given data source, determining how often the data is updated.
  • Expired License Warning: Alert messages are shown to users attempting to navigate with an expired license, prompting them to renew.
  • Expiry Message: Notification indicating that the license is nearing expiration, displayed in the last 30 days before expiry.
  • Explore Section: A section in the alerting system interface where users can explore and analyze alert data.


  • Filter: Selectively displaying data based on specified criteria, helping to focus on relevant information.
  • Firmware Upgrade: The process of updating the software that is embedded in a hardware device.
  • Flame Graph: A visualization tool used to represent the performance of code, particularly helpful in identifying bottlenecks.
  • Force Update: A mechanism to trigger an update notification in specific conditions.
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol): A standard network protocol used to transfer files between a client and a server on a computer network.


  • Gauge Chart: A chart using needles to visually represent data readings on a dial. Gauge charts are effective for displaying one insight at a time, making them straightforward visualizations.
  • Gen AI Bot (Ved): An artificial intelligence-powered bot named Ved was designed for vuSmartMaps™. It enhances user interaction, integrates seamlessly into modules, and aims to boost productivity and engagement.
  • Generate On-Demand Report: Creating reports as needed, allowing regular users flexibility in complementing automated scheduled reports by admin users.
  • Global Time Filter: A time filter present at the top right corner of the screen, allowing the selection of a time range for the entire dashboard.
  • Graph View: A dynamic representation of application performance trends using line graphs within the App Catalog.
  • Group Mapper: A component that synchronizes group mappings of groups from LDAP to identity provider within vuSmartMaps.
  • Grouping Levels: Different levels at which alerts can be grouped.
  • Grouping Values: Values used to categorize alerts based on specific criteria.
  • Grouping: Categorizing data on the x-axis, common examples include time intervals like days or months, with aggregation types like terms, filters, geo hash grid, date histogram, or histogram.


  • HTML Editor: A tool or interface within HTML widget visualization that facilitates the writing and editing of HTML code.
  • HTML Widget Visualization: A feature allowing the use of HTML code to create visualizations in dashboards, adding versatility and functionality. Custom headers, reference links, separators, and more can be created.


  • I/O Streams: Temporary storage units in the data processing journey, enabling data categorization and organization.
  • IBMB: Abbreviation for Internet Banking Mobile Banking, a category within the application that deals with transactions and issues related to Internet and mobile banking.
  • Incidents: The layer displaying all detected incidents by the vuRCA Bot across active workspaces for various applications at the organizational level.
  • Index Name: In the context of Elasticsearch, a unique name given to an index, represents a collection of documents.
  • Index Pattern: A set of characters used to match and apply data retention settings to specific indices, often involving wildcards.
  • Index Prefix: A wildcard-based identifier for indices or groups of indices used in data retention settings.
  • Information Rules: Rules that provide additional context or details in alert notifications.
  • Infra Maintenance: Short for Infrastructure Maintenance, a category used for organizing and categorizing data related to maintenance activities on infrastructure.
  • Insights: In the context of vuSmartMaps, insights refer to valuable and actionable information derived from data analysis, presented clearly and straightforwardly. Insights help users understand critical aspects of their business operations and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Instrumentation: The process of embedding vuTraces into applications to collect telemetry data automatically.
  • Intelligent Sampling: Smart and efficient sampling of traces to reduce overhead and storage costs while gaining valuable insights into application performance.
  • Intelligent Sampling: Smart and efficient sampling of traces to reduce overhead and storage costs while gaining valuable insights into application performance.
  • Interactive Feedback: Users actively shape responses through their input, influencing the behavior and information provided by Ved.
  • Interconnection Map: A visual representation depicting the connections and relationships between logical components within a Unified Transaction Map.
  • Internal Knowledge Content: A set of common internal questions about issues and their solutions.
  • Interval: A type of filter variable allowing users to set specific time intervals for data analysis and visualization within a dashboard.
  • ITSM (IT Service Management): A set of practices for aligning IT services with the needs of the organization and delivering value to customers.


  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity): A Java-based API that allows Java applications to interact with databases.
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight data interchange format used to represent structured data.
  • JSON Documents: Documents in vuSmartMaps are structured using the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format for efficient storage and retrieval of data.
  • JSON Model: The JSON representation of a dashboard, encompassing metadata, properties, panel details, and queries.


  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Quantitative metrics displayed on the Data Storage page in vuSmartMaps, providing information on open indices, closed indices, and indices in the loading stage.
  • Kiosk Mode: A full-screen view of a dashboard for an immersive visual experience, useful for presentations or focused analysis.
  • Knowledge Base: A set of common internal questions about issues raised and their solutions can be accessed here along with internal knowledge content.


  • Latency: The time delay between the initiation and completion of a transaction, affects the speed and responsiveness of an application.
  • LDAP Integration: Incorporating Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for centralized storage of usernames, passwords, and user attributes to streamline access across systems.
  • Library Panels: Accessible panels within vuSmartMaps, including predefined options like Area Chart, Line Chart, Heatmap, Pie Chart, DataTable, Gauge Chart, Metric, HTML Widget, and custom panels like Matrix Visualization, Insight Visualization, and Unified Transaction Map.
  • License File: A .json file issued by VuNet upon successful platform installation, containing license information.
  • License Management: The process of controlling and monitoring licenses for vuSmartMaps, involving tasks such as validity checking, manual updates, and usage Observability.
  • Line Chart: A graphical representation of data using lines to connect data points. Line charts are effective for showing trends and changes over time.
  • Logic Conditions: Configurable conditions determining alert notification behavior, including duration, severity, and metric-based conditions.
  • Logical Component: An element represented in the Unified Transaction Map, denoted as a “node.” It signifies a functional part of a network, application, or transaction.
  • Logical Conditions: Conditions defined in the evaluation script using logical operators to customize alert notifications based on specified criteria.
  • Long-Term Storage Query: SQL queries designed for retrieving data from a persistent storage system covering various time periods.


  • Mappers: Components that synchronize roles and memberships between vuSmartMaps and external identity providers, including Group Mapper, User Attribute Mapper, and Hardcoded Attribute Mapper.
  • Markdown Syntax: A lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax used for Slack messages.
  • Markdown: A text mode in the HTML widget panel allowing creation and editing of Markdown code for visualization.
  • Mean Time to Detect (MTTD): The average time taken for the RCA BOT to detect a real incident from the system’s data.
  • Mean Time To Find Root Cause (MTTFRC): The mean time taken to identify the probable root cause once an incident has been detected by the RCA BOT. OR The average time it takes to identify the probable root cause after an incident has been detected.
  • Mean Time To Identify (MTTI): The average time taken to identify an incident from its occurrence or detection until it is recognized and acknowledged.
  • Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR): The average time taken for an incident to be resolved, calculated from the detection to resolution. OR
  • Meta_data Dictionary: A dictionary containing metadata related to the alert, including duration and history.
  • Metric Behavior Alerting: Setting alerts based on metric behavior compared to historical data, identifying patterns and anomalies.
  • Metric Values: The numerical or qualitative data points collected and monitored by vuSmartMaps to evaluate system performance.
  • Microservices: Modular and independently deployable components that collectively form an application’s architecture.
  • Microsoft Teams: Collaboration platform where messages can be sent to channels using unique URLs obtained from the Webhook app.
  • Mode: An option in the HTML widget panel determining the type of text mode, such as Markdown, HTML, or Content.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): A security method requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification before gaining access, adding an extra layer of protection.
  • Mustache Syntax: A logic-less template syntax used for creating HTML, XML, and other markup languages. It uses curly braces ({{ }}) to embed dynamic content within templates.


  • Network Elements: Devices such as routers, firewalls, and switches that form the infrastructure of a computer network.
  • Non-Alarm Mode: An alternative mode for alerts, sending notifications at regular intervals as long as the alert condition is active without tracking the alarm state.
  • NoSQL DSL Query: Elasticsearch queries formatted using the Domain-Specific Language, specifying conditions and metrics for data retrieval.
  • NoSQL Timelion Query: Elasticsearch queries utilizing the Timelion functionality, specifying conditions and metrics for time-based data.
  • Notification Channels: Various means of communication used to send alert notifications, such as email, WhatsApp, SMS, reports, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.
  • Notification Level: The level at which notifications are generated, typically based on grouping criteria.
  • Notification Throttling: A mechanism to control the frequency of notifications to avoid overwhelming recipients.
  • Notifications: Instant notifications received by users as events occur, visible in the Notification bar under the Alerts section.


  • O11ySources Diagnostics: A feature designed to diagnose and troubleshoot potential data-related issues within the O11ySources framework, operating across three stages: Diagnosing Data Ingestion, Inspecting Data Processing, and Assessing Data Storage.
  • OAuth: An open standard for access delegation commonly used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords.
  • Object-Level Permissions: Detailed control over access rights for specific objects within modules, ensuring better data governance and user action control.
  • Observability Sources (O11ySources): Refers to the essential components within the vuSmartMaps platform that enable users to set up data sources, storyboards, and alert rules. O11ySources plays a crucial role in providing actionable insights and optimizing system performance.
  • Observability: The capability of vuSmartMaps to provide comprehensive insights and understanding of your application’s health and performance.
  • Observation Time: The timestamp when an alert is generated, available in the OBSERVATION_TIME variable.
  • Offline RCA Bot: Performs operations on historical data to find the probable root cause of an incident. Similar features to RCA Bot, including Details, Schema, Signalizers, Bot Settings, and Storyboards.
  • One-Click Download Feature: A functionality allowing users to easily download and document their interactions with the Gen AI Bot.
  • OpenTelemetry: A set of APIs, libraries, agents, instrumentation, and instrumentation exporters to provide observability for applications.
  • Operations on Alerts: Various actions can be performed on alerts listed in the Alert Console, such as Search, Filter, and Sort, to streamline the user experience.


  • Panel Creation: Process of generating a new HTML widget panel, bar chart, line chart, or other visualization in a dashboard, involving selecting visualization options and configuring settings.
  • Panel: A distinct visualization unit within a dashboard, often associated with a unique data query editor.
  • Percentiles of TAT: Specific points in a dataset that indicate the relative standing of a value in terms of turnaround time.
  • Performance Optimization: The process of enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of systems by Observability and optimizing various aspects such as response times, resource utilization, and data processing.
  • Periodic Schedule: A scheduling option for regularly recurring reports, defining the frequency at which reports are generated.
  • Pie Chart: A circular statistical graphic with slices representing quantities proportionally. Pie charts are effective for illustrating percentages or proportional data.
  • PostgresSQL: A relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses SQL for querying and managing data.
  • Pre-built Reports: Ready-made reports covering key business areas, offering immediate insights without customization.
  • Preferences: The interface where users can configure system-level behavior according to their specific needs and requirements.
  • Preventing Unauthorized Access: The role-based access control (RBAC) acting as a protective shield, detecting and blocking unauthorized access while allowing authorized users seamless access during their work.
  • Privacy Protocol: In SNMPv3, a protocol used for encrypting sensitive information to ensure secure communication.
  • Proxy Store: A storage location, possibly a data lake, where extracted data can be stored, enhancing accessibility and management.


  • Query Builder: An interface for constructing database queries using a visual, user-friendly approach.
  • Query Editor: An interface or tool used for creating and managing database queries.
  • Query Variables: Variables used to populate dropdown lists with values retrieved from data sources based on specific queries, facilitating dynamic data refinement.
  • Query: A data retrieval request tailored to the specific data source, influencing the output of graphs or visual elements on the dashboard.


  • Raw Data: Unprocessed data retrieved directly from a data source, used as a basis for generating reports.
  • Raw Query: A direct specification of a database query without using a visual builder, providing more control over query details.
  • RCA Bot: Performs operations on data to find the probable root cause of an incident. Features include Details, Schema, Signalizers, Bot Settings, and Storyboards.
  • Real-time Visibility: Immediate insights into high-fidelity events through the Alert console and dashboards.
  • RED Metrics: Request Rate, Error Rate, and P90 Latency (Duration) – key performance indicators used to assess application health.
  • Reference Links: HTML widgets or charts providing hyperlinks to other pages or dashboards, enhancing navigation and accessibility.
  • Refresh Dashboard: The action of triggering a manual refresh of the entire dashboard or setting a regular refresh interval for automatic updates.
  • Relative Time Range: A time range determined relative to the current time, using operators like minus (back in time) or plus (forward in time).
  • Replication: A technique in vuSmartMaps that duplicates data for enhanced availability and improved performance, contributing to fault tolerance.
  • Reports: Predefined and configurable documents summarizing system performance, generated and scheduled by vuSmartMaps.
  • Response Category: The categorization of transactions based on the responses generated, often indicating success or failure.
  • Response Time: The time taken for a system or application to respond to a user’s action or request, a critical metric for assessing performance.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): A system in vuSmartMaps allowing administrators to define user roles, permissions, and access to ensure security and data privacy.
  • Roles: Collections of users granted specific permissions, where permissions are assigned to roles and not individual users in vuSmartMaps.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA): The process of identifying the underlying causes of incidents and anomalies within the system.
  • Rule-Based Alert Generation: Defining specific rules to generate alerts, ensuring the reception of relevant notifications based on user preferences.


  • Scenario: Different situations or conditions illustrate how data retention settings are applied based on the order of index patterns.
  • Scheduled Reports: Reports are generated automatically at predefined intervals, streamlining the reporting process.
  • Schema: Configuration page for defining the business journey, components, and graphs. Categories metrics into lead indicators, operational indicators, and external indicators.
  • Scripting Interface: An interface that allows users to write and execute scripts for customizing alert behavior.
  • Seamless Data Integration: Effortless incorporation of data from multiple sources into the reporting system for a comprehensive view of operations.
  • Secure SSL Channel: Ensures secure transmission of data between OTEL Agent and OTEL Collector, protecting sensitive application performance information.
  • Security Protocol: The protocol used for secure communication with the Email Server, including SSL, TLS, or None.
  • Service Catalog: A structured tabular format presenting key performance metrics and status information for all services within an application.
  • Service Map: An interactive graphical representation illustrating how various services interact with each other.
  • Severity: Categorization of incidents based on impact, including Warning, Error, or Critical.
  • Signal ID: An identifier assigned to each specific data model or data source, facilitating the organization and retrieval of relevant information.
  • Signalizers Page: Lists configured metrics from the Schema page along with information on ML techniques. Users can edit hyper-parameters and activate signalizers globally or for specific metrics.
  • Slack: A messaging platform used for team communication and collaboration.
  • SMS (Short Message Service): A text messaging service for sending short messages to mobile devices.
  • SMTP Server: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol server, used for configuring email settings.
  • SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol, used for managing and Observability network devices.
  • Stale Alarm: An alarm that remains active without updates for an extended period.
  • Stats: Information related to request time and the number of queries, aiding in the understanding of the performance and efficiency of data retrieval within a dashboard..
  • Supported Data Stores: Databases officially compatible with the system, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, ClickHouse, and Azure Data Explorer (ADX).
  • System Preferences: Configuration settings related to system-level aspects, such as Archival Path, Trap Credentials, and SNMP trap discovery time interval.
  • System Reliability: Ensuring the smooth functioning of the system and addressing user-impacting situations effectively.


  • TAT (Turnaround Time): The time taken for a process to be completed, particularly relevant in UPI transactions, where it indicates the time taken for a transaction to be processed.
  • Technical Declines: Instances where transactions fail due to technical reasons.
  • Telemetry Data: Information collected and transmitted by Traces, to gain insights into the behavior and performance of your applications.
  • Telnet: A network protocol that allows remote access to devices or systems for command-line control.
  • Threshold: A setting in chart visualizations allowing the definition of value thresholds, often color-coded for visual identification of specific ranges.
  • Throttling Capability: A feature enabling the adjustment of event throttling dynamically or based on historical patterns to manage alerts effectively.
  • Throttling Configuration: Setting the frequency of updates or notifications to avoid overwhelming recipients, configurable for each channel.
  • Throttling Duration: The time period during which additional notifications for the same alert condition are suppressed to avoid excessive alerts.
  • Throttling Interval: The configured time interval during which repeated notifications for the same condition are suppressed.
  • Time Options: Parameters controlling dashboard time settings, including timezone, browser time, auto-refresh settings, and more.
  • Time Savings: The efficiency gained through LDAP and ADFS integration, eliminating the need for managing different usernames and passwords, saving time and effort.
  • Time Series Analysis Workspace: An anomaly detection technique based on forecasting, utilizing time series decomposition (signal=trend+seasonality+residual).
  • Time Series Analysis: Utilizes forecasting based on time series decomposition for anomaly detection. Features include Details, Source and Schema, Signalizers, and Storyboards.
  • Timelion Functionality: Elasticsearch feature enabling time-series analysis in queries, crucial for time-based data retrieval.
  • Timestamp Columns: Fields in a dataset that contains time-related information, often used for analyzing time-series data.
  • Traces: Detailed and step-by-step maps of how your application processes a specific user request, capturing essential details such as timeframes, events, attributes, sub-routine executions, and configured data.
  • Transaction Category: Refers to the classification of transactions based on specific criteria, such as the type or nature of the transaction.
  • Transaction Type: The classification of transactions based on their nature or purpose.
  • TTD (Time to Detect): The time interval between the detection of an incident and the first check by the vuRCA Bot.
  • TTFRC (Time to Find Root Cause): The time it takes to identify the probable root cause after an incident has been detected.
  • TTR (Time to Resolve): The time it takes for an incident to be resolved.


  • UM3 Error Code: A specific code used to identify and categorize errors in UPI transactions.
  • Unified Data Flow: The result of integrating O11ySources, creating a consolidated data flow that empowers analysis and reporting systems within vuSmartMaps.
  • Unified Transaction Map (UTM): A visual representation illustrating the flow of components within a network, application, or transaction. It highlights logical components as nodes and their connections as links, with associated metrics.
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs): Distinctive features that set vuSmartMaps APM apart from other Observability tools.
  • Updating Role’s Default Homepage and Users: The process of modifying the preference for the homepage for web and mobile apps and updating users for a specific role in vuSmartMaps.
  • UPI: Stands for Unified Payments Interface, a system that enables multiple bank accounts to be linked to a single mobile application for seamless transactions.
  • URL: Uniform Resource Locator, a reference or address used to access resources on the internet, often used in panel links.
  • User Credentials: Information used for authentication, such as usernames and passwords, specifically for user-related data sources.
  • User Feedback: Input provided by users on incident detection and probable root causes, influencing future detections. When the Gen AI Bot gives responses, users can interact in a few ways: Like, Dislike, and Copy.
  • User Interface: The visual platform through which users interact with the reporting system, including buttons, tables, and collapsible sections.
  • User Journey: The sequence of steps or interactions a user goes through while using the application.
  • User Management: Robust capabilities allow administrators to create, modify, and remove user accounts, implementing fine-grained control over user permissions.
  • User Object Classes: Values of the LDAP objectClass attribute for users in LDAP, listed in vuSmartMaps.
  • User-Cleared: Incidents are manually resolved by the user before the BOT.
  • USPs: Unique Selling Points – distinctive features that set vuSmartMaps APM apart from other Observability tools.


  • Value Mappings: An option in HTML widget visualization, bar charts, and other chart types allowing the association of specific values with custom display text, providing a customized representation of data.
  • Variable Types: Different categories of variables in dashboards, including Query, Custom, Text Box, Constant, Data Source, Interval, and Ad-hoc filters, each serving specific purposes.
  • Variables: Dynamic tools serving as placeholders for values in queries and titles, facilitating interactive dashboards.
  • vds schema: The schema that represents the business journey or system, crucial for accurate probable root cause determination.
  • Vertical Separators: Code snippets for creating vertical lines used as separators in dashboards, enhancing visual organization.
  • Visualization Options: Customizable options in the HTML widget panel and chart visualizations for enhancing the visual appearance of HTML, bar charts, line charts, and other visualizations, including panel names, descriptions, and links.
  • Visualization: The graphical representation of data through charts, graphs, or other visual elements, customizable through settings like table view, graph resolution, and time range.
  • VM (Virtual Machine): A virtualized computing environment that emulates a physical computer, used to run applications and services in an isolated and efficient manner.
  • VM Selection: The process of choosing the Virtual Machine environment and providing SSH credentials for the installation.
  • vuBJM(Business Journey Monitoring): A module within vuSmartMaps, providing details about configured journeys, applications, infrastructure nodes, and transactions.
  • vuCoreML: The section within which the “Incidents” category is accessed.
  • vuInfra360: A module within vuSmartMaps, providing details about servers, network components, availability Observability, and configuration collector.
  • vuLauncher: A specialized application designed to simplify the installation of vuSmartMapsTM within a Virtual Machine (VM) based environment, providing a user-friendly graphical user interface (UI).
  • vuLogX: A module within vuSmartMaps, providing details about the size of log data ingested per day.
  • vuRCA Bot: An AI-powered bot within vuSmartMaps for efficiently detecting incidents, pinpointing root causes, and providing a comprehensive view of operational challenges.
  • vuRemoteInsights: A module within vuSmartMaps, providing details about synthetics, frequency of runs per hour, and the number of locations..
  • vuSmartMaps Insights: Insights accessed through the left navigation menu, providing information on RCA Incidents.
  • vuSmartMaps™: A business journey observability platform utilizing advanced AI/ML models for end-to-end business operations, offering unified observability across network, infrastructure, and application layers.


  • Web App: The web-based application interface of vuSmartMaps, where users interact with the platform using a web browser.
  • Webhook: A way for applications to communicate with each other in real time by sending data as soon as it is available.
  • Widget: A small, specialized application or visual element embedded in a dashboard to provide specific functionality or display information.
  • Wildcard: A symbol (such as an asterisk) used in an index pattern to represent one or more characters.
  • Workspace: Provides a logical separation between journey graphs. Users define the roles of signals, encapsulate signals into components, specify relationships and dependencies, and categorize signals as leading indicators, user experience signals, or operational metrics.
  • Workspaces Page:  Displays a list of configured workspaces. Users can add a new workspace with five major sections: Details, Schema, Signalizers, Bot Settings, and Storyboard.


  • YAML Interface: An interface that allows users to configure settings using YAML syntax.


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