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Traces Overview Dashboard

With three different views, including Flame GraphList View, and Database, you can efficiently analyze and optimize your application’s performance with the Traces dashboards in vuApp360.

Flame Graph

The flame graph in the vuApp360 is designed to provide you with span-level visibility of traces, enabling you to identify performance bottlenecks, visualize the call hierarchy of your application, and understand resource consumption at the code level. With Flame Graph, you can efficiently analyze and optimize your application’s performance.

The Flame Graph is the default visualization presented when you click on a particular trace. It offers a powerful and intuitive pictorial representation of all the spans that make up the trace. Each span represents a distinct operation or function within the application. Error spans are highlighted in red to quickly identify any errors that occurred during the trace, while the slowest spans are displayed in gray to indicate potential performance bottlenecks.

  • Service Name Color Coding: The Flame Graph features color coding based on the Service Name. This allows to easily differentiate between services by color. When you hover over the flame graph legs, the service name will be displayed, providing quick identification.
    • Color Retention: The assigned colors for each service will persist even when opening different instances of the same flame graph, ensuring consistency across views.
  • Failed Span Identification: Failed spans within the Flame Graph are now highlighted with red text. This visual cue helps quickly identify areas where failures have occurred within your service execution.

The Flame Graph provides an excellent overview of the trace, showcasing the relationships and interactions between different spans. By analyzing the Flame Graph, you can quickly visualize the call hierarchy of your application, understand the sequence of operations, and identify areas that may require further investigation for performance optimization.


The List View is the tabular representation of the flame graph, providing a more structured and detailed view of the traces. The List View supports column-level filtering, enabling users to quickly narrow down and isolate specific spans of interest. By applying filters, you can efficiently locate, examine, and focus on relevant trace data, enhancing your ability to diagnose issues and gain insights into your application’s performance. The following essential fields are displayed for each span:

  1. Span ID: A unique identifier for the span.
  2. Service: The name of the service associated with the span.
  3. Operation: The span or operations related to the original request.
  4. Start Time: The timestamp when the span started its execution.
  5. Duration (in ms): The time taken by the span to complete its execution, measured in milliseconds.
  6. Component: The component or tier of the application to which the span belongs.
  7. Destination Component: The destination of the span.
  8. HTTP Status: The HTTP status code associated with the span.
    • 200-299: Success (Green)
    • 300-399: Redirection (Orange)
    • 400+: Errors (Red)
  9. Timestamp: The timestamp associated with the listed service.
  10. Operation Status: Displays the status of the operation based on the span’s status code:
    • 0 and 1: Indicate success (OK) and are marked in green.
    • 2: Indicates failure and is marked in red.

Additionally, a tabular representation of exceptions is provided in the List View. It includes the following details for each exception:

  1. Span Exception Type: The type of exception that occurred.
  2. Span Exception Message: Information about the span exception.
  3. Span Exception Stack Trace: The stack trace for the span exception, aiding in the troubleshooting process.
  4. The Exception Details Preview button under action column allows you to view complete exception details directly within the Exceptions table. A preview window will appear, providing a comprehensive view of the exception. This tooltip offers a quick and convenient way to access full exception information without navigating away from the table.

With the List View, you can analyze trace data in a structured format, making it easier to identify specific spans, examine their properties, and understand the flow of operations in more detail.


The Database tab provides valuable insights into the database queries that support the execution of a particular trace. In this view, the database-related information is presented in a tabular format, helping you understand the impact of database interactions on the overall trace performance.

The following fields are available in the Database View for each query:

  1. Total Duration: The total time taken by the database query.
  2. Max: The maximum execution time among all occurrences of the database query.
  3. Average: The average execution time of the database query.
  4. Call Count: The number of times the database query was called.
  5. Database: The name or identifier of the database associated with the query.
  6. Query: The actual SQL query executed in the database.

With the Database View, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of database interactions and identify any database-related bottlenecks that might be affecting the overall application performance.


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