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Metrics Overview Dashboard

The Metrics Overview dashboard within vuApp360 dashboards serves as a powerful tool for IT Ops, Application Owners, and Business Heads. It provides in-depth insights into application errors, latency performance, and allows for the precise identification of error sources within the environment. This comprehensive view enables stakeholders to address potential performance bottlenecks in the application ecosystem. To navigate to more granular details, such as Error Rate Breakdown and Latency Breakdown, users can seamlessly transition from the App Catalog page by clicking on the respective metrics. In the upcoming sections, we will explore each of these tabs, uncovering their functionalities in detail.

Error Rate Breakdown

Upon entering the Error Rate Breakdown tab, users are displayed a comprehensive landing page facilitating precise analysis.

The interactive interface allows users to select the desired Application, tailoring the analysis to specific parameters and enhancing the focus on relevant data points.

  1. The visual representation of the error rate percentage is provided against Hosts, Services, and API Transactions, enabling users to monitor and assess application health effectively.

  2. Failed API Transactions: Presented in tabular format, this section showcases Failed API Transactions with columns such as API Transaction, and its statistics on Total API Transactions, Failed API Transactions, and Failure %.

    Interactivity is enhanced as users can click on API Transactions, leading them to the API Transaction tab on the Service Overview Dashboard.
  3. Failed Services: Displayed in a tabular format, this section highlights key metrics of Failed Services like Host, Total API Transactions, Failed, and Failure %.

    Users can conveniently navigate to the corresponding Service Summary tab by clicking on entries under the Service column.
  4. Host with Failed API Transactions: This table provides insights into specific hosts by presenting columns like Host, Total API Transactions, Failed API Transactions, and Failure %.

  5. Failed Traces: In tabular format, this section includes details such as Trace ID, API Transactions, Host, Application, Service, P90 Latency, HTTP Status, and Status.

    Users can navigate seamlessly to the Flame graph Dashboard and the API Transaction tab on the Service Overview dashboard by clicking on Trace ID and API Transactions.

Latency Breakdown

Upon entering the Latency Breakdown tab, users are displayed a comprehensive landing page facilitating precise analysis.

The interactive interface allows users to select the desired Application, tailoring the analysis to specific parameters and enhancing the focus on relevant data points.

  1. The visual representation of the latency is provided against Hosts, Services, and API Transactions, enabling users to monitor and assess application health effectively.

  2. Host with Slow API Transactions: Presented in tabular format, this section showcases hosts with slow API Transactions with columns such as Host, Total API Transactions, Number of Slow API Transactions, Slow %, and P90 Latency.

  3. Services with MAX Latency: Displayed in a tabular format, this section highlights key metrics like Service, Total API Transactions, Number of Slow API Transactions, and P90 Latency.

    Users can conveniently navigate to the corresponding Service Summary tab by clicking on entries under the Service column.
  4. Slow API Transactions: This table provides insights into specific slow API Transactions by presenting columns like API Transactions, Total API Transactions, Number of Slow API Transactions, Slow %, and P90 Latency.

    API Transactions is clickable elements navigating to the API Transaction tab on Service Overview Dashboard with pre-applied filters for this API transaction.
  5. Slow Traces: In tabular format, this section includes details such as Trace ID, API Transactions, Host, Application, Service, P90 Latency, HTTP Status, and Status.

    Users can navigate seamlessly to the Flame Graph Dashboard and the API Transaction tab on the Service Overview dashboard by clicking on Trace ID and API Transactions respectively.


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