Use-Cases: Insights Visualizations > Code Snippets
1. Getting Started with vuSmartMaps™
3. Console
5. Configuration
6. Data Management
9. Monitoring and Managing vuSmartMaps™
<style> .table-container{ width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.25); border-radius: 10px; font-family: ‘Inter-Medium’, sans-serif; }
.insight_table{ width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed; } .insight_table th, .insight_table td{ text-align: left; } .insight_table td { text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2; color: #000000; font-size: 14px; color: #666; line-height: 1rem; font-weight: unset!important; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2; word-wrap: break-word; } .insight_table th { text-align: left; color: #fff; line-height: 1rem; font-weight: unset!important; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 5px; background-color: #0b132b; border-bottom: 3px solid #0b132b; border-top: 3px solid #0b132b; font-size: 14px; height: 5px; word-wrap: break-word; }
.insight_table tbody tr:hover { background-color: #ECECFF; }
.error_div { color: #ba3939; background: #ffe0e0; border: 1px solid #a33a3a; padding: 5px; }
.no_data_div { color: #204a8e; background: #c9ddff; border: 1px solid #4c699b; padding: 5px; text-align: center; } </style> {{^error}} <div class=”table-container”> <table class=”insight_table”> <thead> <tr> {{#table_heading}} <th>{{column_name}}</th> {{/table_heading}} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {{#table_data}} <tr> {{#row}} <td>{{cell_value}}</td> {{/row}} </tr> {{/table_data}} </tbody> </table> </div> {{^is_data}} <div class=”no_data_div”> <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>No Data</span><br> </div> {{/is_data}} {{/error}} {{#error}} <div class=”error_div”> <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Error:</span><br> {{error_msg}} </div> {{/error}}
error = False error_msg = “” if len(DM) > 0: is_data = True if “dm1” in DM: dm = DM[‘dm1’] no_of_rows = VAR.get(‘no_of_rows’, len(dm)) table_data = [] column_names = [VAR[key] for key in sorted(VAR.keys()) if key.startswith(‘col’)] if len(column_names) == 0: error = True dm_columns = [] if len(dm) > 0: dm_columns = list(dm[0].keys()) error_msg = “No columns are given in variables. Please provide at least one column name in variables; All column variables are of string format and should start with ‘col’; Data model columns are ” + ‘, ‘.join(dm_columns) elif len(column_names) > 5: error = True error_msg = “More than 5 columns are not allowed. Given columns are ” + ‘, ‘.join(column_names) else: if len(dm) > 0: is_data = True dm_columns = list(dm[0].keys()) dm_keys_len = len(dm_columns) if dm_keys_len >= len(column_names): miss_ele = [] for elem in column_names: if elem not in dm_columns: miss_ele.append(elem) if len(miss_ele) == 0: for i in range(len(dm)): if i < no_of_rows: cell_data = [] for column in column_names: cell_data.append({ “cell_value”: dm[i][column] if dm[i][column] is not None else “-“ }) table_data.append({ “row”: cell_data }) else: break else: error = True error_msg = “Column names given in varaibles do not match with the names in Data model. Data model columns are ” + ‘, ‘.join(dm_columns) + “; Unknown column name in variable is ” + ‘, ‘.join(miss_ele) else: error = True error_msg = “Data model has less columns when comapared to given columns in variables. Data model columns are ” + ‘, ‘.join(dm_columns) + “; Given columns in variables are ” + ‘, ‘.join(column_names) else: is_data = False table_heading = [{“column_name”: column} for column in column_names] VALUE[‘table_heading’] = table_heading VALUE[‘table_data’] = table_data VALUE[‘is_data’] = is_data else: error = True error_msg = “Data model is expected to be having label name as dm1” else: is_data = False
VALUE[‘is_data’] = is_data VALUE[‘error’] = error VALUE[‘error_msg’] = error_msg
<style> .bargraph_data{ padding-top:1px; } .bargraph_table{ padding-top:10px; width:100%; align-items:left; text-align:left; border-collapse:seperate; border-spacing:10px; }
.bargraph_label{ text-align:left; padding-left:10px; width:10%; padding-bottom:3px; padding-top:3px; font-size: 13px; }
.bargraph_bar{ border-radius:5px; text-align:right; padding-right:2px; float:left; background:#19499d; } .bargraph_barchart{ width:90%; border-radius: 5px; padding-right:20px; color:white; }
.bargraph_pct{ width:15%; text-align:left; }
.bargraph_background{ display:block; background-color:#dddbde; border-radius: 5px; text-align:left; color:black; }
.error_div { color: #ba3939; background: #ffe0e0; border: 1px solid #a33a3a; padding: 5px; } </style> {{^error}} <div style=”position: absolute;inset: 0; border-radius: 5px; font-family: ‘Inter-Medium’, sans-serif;”> <div style = “height:45px”> <div style=”display: flex;margin-top: 2px; padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;”> <span style=” color: black; font-size:16px; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 7px;”> {{panel_heading}} </span> </div> {{#is_data}} <div> <div style = “padding-left:10px;”> <span style = “font-size:14px; “>{{{top_msg}}}</span> </div> </div> {{/is_data}} {{^is_data}} <div style=”font-style:italic;padding-left: 10px;”>No data found in the selected time period</div> {{/is_data}} </div> <div style=”padding-left: 5px; padding-top:10px; height:70px”> <div style=”display: flex; “> <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><svg id=”a” xmlns=”” viewBox=”0 0 24 24″ style=”width: 25px; height: 25px; fill: #ffc000″> <path d=”m15.82,12.17l-4.65-1.96c-.06-.02-.1-.07-.12-.12l-1.92-4.56c-.08-.18-.34-.19-.42,0l-2.04,4.29s-.06.09-.11.11l-4.42,2.17c-.18.09-.,1.74c.,4.63c.,0l1.7-4.59c.02-.06.07-.11.14-.14l4.84-1.82c.14-.05.14-.24,0-.3Z”/> <path d=”m19.56,17.54s-.05-.03-.06-.06l-.99-2.35c-.04-.1-.17-.1-.22,0l-1.05,2.21s-.03.04-.06.06l-2.28,1.12c-.09.05-.,2.38c.,0l.87-2.36s.04-.06.07-.07l2.49-.94c.07-.03.07-.13,0-.15l-2.4-1.01Z”/> <path d=”m14.91,5.52l2.41.9s.,2.38c.,0l.87-2.36s.04-.06.07-.07l2.49-.94c.07-.03.07-.13,0-.15l-2.4-1.01s-.05-.03-.06-.06l-.99-2.35c-.04-.1-.17-.1-.22,0l-1.05,2.21s-.03.04-.06.06l-2.28,1.12c-.09.05-.”/> </svg> <div style=”margin-top: 3px; padding-left: 10px; color: #19499d; font-weight: bold; font-family: Inter-Medium;”>INSIGHTS</div> </div> {{#is_data}} <ul style=”font-size: 13px;”> {{#insight_data}} <li> {{{msg}}} </li> {{/insight_data}} </ul> {{/is_data}} {{^is_data}} <div style=” text-align: left; font-family: ‘Inter-Medium’, sans-serif; font-style:italic;padding-left: 30px;”>No insights observed </div> {{/is_data}} </div> <div style=” text-align: left; font-family: ‘Inter-Medium’, sans-serif; padding-top: 15px;”> <div style = “padding-left:10px;font-size:13px; “><b>Distribution</b></div> <table class = “bargraph_table”> {{#bar_data}} <tr class = “bargraph_data” style=”opacity: {{opacity}};”> <td class=”bargraph_label”> {{bar_title}} </td> <td class = “bargraph_barchart”> <div class = “bargraph_background”> <div class = “bargraph_bar” style=” width:{{bar_pct}}% ; color:white;”> {{#disp_in}} <span style =”padding-right:15px”>{{bar_pct}}%</span> {{/disp_in}} {{^disp_in}} {{/disp_in}} </div> {{#disp_out}} <span style =”padding-left:5px”>{{bar_pct}}%</span> {{/disp_out}} {{^disp_out}} {{^pct_100}} {{/pct_100}} {{/disp_out}} </div> </td> </tr> {{/bar_data}} </table> </div> </div> {{/error}} {{#error}} <div class=”error_div”> <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Error:</span><br> {{error_msg}} </div> {{/error}} |
error = False error_msg = “” heading = “” top_msg = “” top_sum = 0 least_sum = 0 others = 0 top_bottom_n = VAR.get(‘top_bottom_n’, 5) heading = VAR.get(‘heading’, None) if len(DM) > 0: is_data = True if “dm1” in DM: data = DM[‘dm1’] category_column = VAR.get(‘category_column’, None) count_column = VAR.get(‘count_column’, None) if category_column is None and count_column is None: error = True error_msg = “Variables category_column and count_column is to be added.” elif category_column is None: error = True error_msg = “Variables category_column is to be added.” elif count_column is None: error = True error_msg = “Variables count_column is to be added.” else: if category_column == count_column: error = True error_msg = “Variables category_column and count_column are the same.” else: dm_columns = [] if len(data) > 0: dm_columns = list(data[0].keys()) if category_column not in dm_columns and count_column not in dm_columns: error = True error_msg = “Coulumns ” + category_column + ” and ” + count_column + ” is not in the data model; Available Columns are ” + “, “.join(dm_columns) elif category_column not in dm_columns: error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + category_column + ” is not in the data model; Available Columns are ” + “, “.join(dm_columns) elif count_column not in dm_columns: error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + count_column + ” is not in the data model; Available Columns are ” + “, “.join(dm_columns) else: dm0 = data[0] if not isinstance(dm0[category_column], str) and isinstance(dm0[count_column], str): error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + category_column + ” is not a string, expected to be a string column; Column ” + count_column + ” is a string, expcted to be a numeric.” elif not isinstance(dm0[category_column], str): error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + category_column + ” is not a string, expected to be a string column.” elif isinstance(dm0[count_column], str): error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + count_column + ” is a string, expected to be a numeric.” else: data_arr = [] total = 0 for i in range(len(data)): data_arr.append([data[i][category_column], data[i][count_column]]) total += data[i][count_column]
if len(data_arr) > 0: is_data = True data_arr.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
data_pct_arr = [] topn_pct = 0 for i in range(len(data_arr)): pct = round((data_arr[i][1]/total)*100, 2) data_pct_arr.append([data_arr[i][0], data_arr[i][1], pct]) if i < top_bottom_n: topn_pct += pct
top_msg = “Out of the total <b>%s</b>, the <b>top %s</b> account for <b>%s</b>” % (total, top_bottom_n, str(100.00 if topn_pct>=100 else round(topn_pct, 2))+”%”)
insight_data =[] for i in range(len(data_pct_arr)): if i < 2: insight_data.append({ “msg”: “<b>%s</b> contributes to <b>%s</b>” % (data_pct_arr[i][0],str(data_pct_arr[i][2])+”%”) }) VALUE[‘insight_data’] = insight_data
top_l = top_bottom_n bottom_l = top_bottom_n*2
#bar graph data
if(len(data_pct_arr)<top_l and len(data_pct_arr)>0): for i in range(len(data_pct_arr)): if i< top_l: top_sum = top_sum + data_pct_arr[i][2] top_sum = round(top_sum,2) least_sum = 0 others = 0
if (len(data_pct_arr)>=top_l and len(data_pct_arr)<bottom_l): top = data_pct_arr[:top_l] for i in range(len(top)): top_sum = top_sum + data_pct_arr[i][2]
least = data_pct_arr[top_l:] for i in range(len(least)): least_sum = least_sum + least[i][2] top_sum = round(top_sum,2) least_sum = round(least_sum,2) others = 0
if (len(data_pct_arr)>=bottom_l): for i in range(len(data_pct_arr)): if i < top_l: top_sum = top_sum + data_pct_arr[i][2]
least = data_pct_arr[-top_l:] for i in range(len(least)): least_sum = least_sum + least[i][2] top_sum = round(top_sum,2) least_sum = round(least_sum,2) others = round(100-(top_sum+least_sum),2)
else: is_data = False top_msg = “No data found in the selected time period” else: error = True error_msg = “Data model is expected to be having label name as dm1” else: is_data = False
if heading is None: error = True error_msg = “Variable heading missing. Add heading varaible to add a heading to this pannel”
VALUE[‘is_data’] = is_data VALUE[‘error’] = error VALUE[‘error_msg’] = error_msg
def inputfunction(bar_title,bar_pct, check_other=False, others = 0): if round(bar_pct,2) >= 100: bar_pct = 100.00 elif round(bar_pct,2) <= 0.00: bar_pct = 0.00 else: bar_pct = round(bar_pct,2)
if round(bar_pct,2)<80: disp_out= True disp_in = False else: disp_out = False disp_in = True if round(bar_pct,2) >=99 : pct_100 = True else: pct_100 = False if round(bar_pct,2) ==0 : opacity = 1.0 if check_other and others > 0 else 0.3 else: opacity = 1.0
return { “bar_title”:bar_title, “bar_pct”:bar_pct, “disp_in”: disp_in, “disp_out”:disp_out, “pct_100”: pct_100, “opacity”: opacity }
bar_data = [] bar_data.append(inputfunction(“Top “+str(top_bottom_n),top_sum)) bar_data.append(inputfunction(“Least “+str(top_bottom_n),least_sum, True, others)) bar_data.append(inputfunction(“Others”,others))
VALUE[‘bar_data’]=bar_data VALUE[‘top_msg’]=top_msg VALUE[‘bar_data’]=bar_data VALUE[‘panel_heading’] = heading
<style> .bar-card{ position:absolute; top: 0; left: 0; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 15px; inset: 0; font-family: ‘Inter-Medium’, sans-serif; } .decline_heading { font-size: 15px; } .bar_table{ padding-top: 6px; width:100%; align-items: left; text-align: left; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px } .bar_table_head, .bar_distribution_data{ padding-top: 2px; } .bar_distribution{ text-align: right; padding-right: 5px; width: 10%; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .uei_cat_bar{ border-radius: 20px; text-align: right; padding-right: 5px; }
.error_div { color: #ba3939; background: #ffe0e0; border: 1px solid #a33a3a; padding: 5px; }
.no_data_div { color: #204a8e; background: #c9ddff; border: 1px solid #4c699b; padding: 5px; text-align: center; } .bar_title { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } </style> {{^error}} <div class=”bar-card”> <div class=”bar_title”> {{title}} </div> <table class=”bar_table”> {{#out_data}} <tr class=”bar_distribution_data”> <td class=”bar_distribution”>{{category}}</td> <td style=”width: 80%; background-color: #c9ddff; border-radius: 10px;”> <div style=”display: flex;”> <div class=”uei_cat_bar” style=”background-color:#4075C5 ; width:{{pct}};”> </div> <!– <div style=”float: left; padding-left: 5px; font-weight: bold;”> {{pct}} </div> –> </div> </td> <td> <div style=”float: left; padding-left: 5px; font-weight: bold;”> {{pct}} </div> </td> </tr> {{/out_data}} </table> </div> {{^is_data}} <div class=”no_data_div”> <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>No Data</span><br> </div> {{/is_data}} {{/error}} {{#error}} <div class=”error_div”> <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Error:</span><br> {{error_msg}} </div> {{/error}} |
error = False error_msg = “”
if len(DM) > 0: is_data = True if “dm1” in DM: data = DM[‘dm1’] category_column = VAR.get(‘category_column’, None) count_column = VAR.get(‘count_column’, None) if category_column is None and count_column is None: error = True error_msg = “Variables category_column and count_column is to be added.” elif category_column is None: error = True error_msg = “Variables category_column is to be added.” elif count_column is None: error = True error_msg = “Variables count_column is to be added.” else: if category_column == count_column: error = True error_msg = “Variables category_column and count_column are the same.” else: dm_columns = [] if len(data) > 0: dm_columns = list(data[0].keys()) if category_column not in dm_columns and count_column not in dm_columns: error = True error_msg = “Coulumns ” + category_column + ” and ” + count_column + ” is not in the data model; Available Columns are ” + “, “.join(dm_columns) elif category_column not in dm_columns: error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + category_column + ” is not in the data model; Available Columns are ” + “, “.join(dm_columns) elif count_column not in dm_columns: error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + count_column + ” is not in the data model; Available Columns are ” + “, “.join(dm_columns) else: dm0 = data[0] if not isinstance(dm0[category_column], str) and isinstance(dm0[count_column], str): error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + category_column + ” is not a string, expected to be a string column; Column ” + count_column + ” is a string, expcted to be a numeric.” elif not isinstance(dm0[category_column], str): error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + category_column + ” is not a string, expected to be a string column.” elif isinstance(dm0[count_column], str): error = True error_msg = “Coulumn ” + count_column + ” is a string, expected to be a numeric.” else: no_of_bars = VAR.get(‘no_of_category_to_show’, None) bar_data = [] total = 0 for i in range(len(data)): bar_data.append([data[i][category_column], data[i][count_column]]) total += data[i][count_column]
bar_data.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
if no_of_bars is None: no_of_bars = len(bar_data) title = category_column.title() + ” distribution” else: title = “Top ” + str(no_of_bars) + ” ” + category_column.title() + ” distribution”
out_data = [] for i in range(len(bar_data)): if i < no_of_bars: out_data.append({ “category”: bar_data[i][0].title(), “pct”: str(round((bar_data[i][1]/total)*100, 2)) + “%” }) else: break VALUE[‘out_data’] = out_data VALUE[‘title’] = title else: error = True error_msg = “Data model is expected to have ‘dm1’ key” else: is_data = False
VALUE[‘is_data’] = is_data VALUE[‘error’] = error VALUE[‘error_msg’] = error_msg |
<style> .insight_card{ position: absolute; inset: 0; font-family: ‘Inter-Medium’, sans-serif; padding: 10px 20px; }
.insight_heading { color: white; font-size: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; display: none; }
.insight_value { font-size: 40px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center; color: white; }
.insight_link { color: #373A3C; }
.insight_link:hover { opacity: 0.7; cursor: pointer; }
.insight_info { font-size: 14px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; display: flex; width: 100%; border-top: 1px solid black; /* align-items: center; */ justify-content: center; /* border-radius: 8px; */ /* background-color: #E9EFFA; */ /* padding: 8px; */ } .svg_div { width: 30px; } .insight_message { margin-left: 8px; color: white; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; text-align: center; }
.error_div { color: #ba3939; background: #ffe0e0; border: 1px solid #a33a3a; padding: 5px; } </style> <div class=”insight_card” style=”background-color:{{color}}”> {{^error}} <div class=”insight_heading”> {{title}} </div> <div class=”insight_value”> {{metric_value}} </div> <div class=”insight_info”> <div class=”insight_message”> {{{message}}} </div> </div> {{/error}} {{#error}} <div class=”error_div”> <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Error:</span><br> {{error_msg}} </div> {{/error}} </div> |
data = DM.get(“DM1”,[]) prefix = VAR.get(“data_prefix”,None) good_message = VAR.get(“good_message”,None) error_message = VAR.get(“error_message”,None)
if len(data)>0: value = data[0][f'{prefix}_pct’] actual = data[0][f'{prefix}_actual’] expected = data[0][f'{prefix}_expected’] diff = expected-actual
good_threshold = VAR.get(“good_threshold”,95) fair_threshold = VAR.get(“fair_threshold”,85)
if value == 100: status = “Excellent” color = “#73BF69” elif value >= good_threshold: status = “Good” color = “#73BF69” elif value < good_threshold and value >= fair_threshold: status = “Fair” color = “#FA6400” else: status = “Poor” color = “#C4162A”
if value == 100: good_message = good_message.replace(‘{_value_}’, str(expected)) description = f'{good_message}’ else: description = f'{diff} out of {expected} {error_message}’
else: status = “N.A.” color = “grey” description = “No data available for the selected time period”
VALUE[‘metric_value’] = status VALUE[‘message’] = description VALUE[‘color’] = color |
<style> .flex-container { display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; text-align: center; font-family: Heebo, Inter, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.2rem; font-weight: 400; margin-left: 260px
.top-row { display: block; position: relative; float: left; width: calc(100% / 7 – 11px); height: 30px; /* Use the variable value directly */ line-height: 40px; /* Use the variable value directly */ margin-right: 10px; /* Use the variable value directly */ padding: 0 20px; }
.box-item { display: block; position: relative; float: left; width: calc(100% / 7 – 11px); height: 40px; /* Use the variable value directly */ line-height: 40px; /* Use the variable value directly */ margin-right: 10px; /* Use the variable value directly */ padding: 0 20px; background-color: #fcc; /* Use the variable value directly */ border-radius: 4px; color: white; }
.box-item:before { content: ”; position: absolute; right: -8px; height: 0; width: 0; border-top: 20px solid transparent; /* Use the variable value directly */ border-bottom: 20px solid transparent; /* Use the variable value directly */ /*border-left: 10px solid #fcc; /* Use the variable value directly */ border-radius: 4px; border-left: var(–before-border-left);
.box-item:after { content: ”; position: absolute; left: -1px; height: 0; width: 0; border-top: 20px solid transparent; /* Use the variable value directly */ border-bottom: 20px solid transparent; /* Use the variable value directly */ border-left: 10px solid #fff; /* Use the variable value directly */ border-radius: 4px;
</style> <div class=”flex-container”> {{#value_data}} <div class=”top-row” style=”width:{{width}}”>{{value}}</div> {{/value_data}} </div> <div class=”flex-container”> {{#label_data}} <div class=”box-item” style=”background-color: {{color}}; –before-border-left: 10px solid {{color}}; width:{{width}}”>{{name}}</div> {{/label_data}} </div>
data = DM[‘dm1’] data_list = []
for item in data: for key, value in item.items(): if key in [‘DNS’, ‘TCP’, ‘Req’, ‘SSL’, ‘Resp’, ‘Processing’, ‘OnLoad’]: value = round((value / 1_000_000), 2)
if key in [‘DNS’, ‘TCP’, ‘Req’, ‘SSL’]: # Updated conditions for DNS, TCP, Req, and SSL if value < 1000: color = ‘#58a44c’ width = ‘8%’ elif value >= 1000 and value <= 3000: color = ‘#ff780a’ width = ‘12%’ else: color = ‘#e02f44’ width = ‘17%’ elif key in [‘Resp’, ‘Processing’]: # Updated conditions for Resp and Processing if value < 3000: color = ‘#58a44c’ width = ‘8%’ elif value >= 3000 and value <= 5000: color = ‘#ff780a’ width = ‘12%’ else: color = ‘#e02f44’ width = ‘17%’ elif key == ‘OnLoad’: # Updated conditions for OnLoad if value < 1000: color = ’58a44c’ width = ‘8%’ elif value >= 1000 and value <= 3000: color = ‘#ff780a’ width = ‘12%’ else: color = ‘#e02f44’ width = ‘17%’
data_list.append({ ‘name’: key, ‘value’: str(value) + (‘ms’ if key in [‘DNS’, ‘TCP’, ‘Req’, ‘SSL’, ‘Resp’, ‘Processing’, ‘OnLoad’] else ”), ‘color’: color, ‘width’: width })
VALUE[‘label_data’] = data_list VALUE[‘value_data’] = data_list
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VuNet’s Business-Centric Observability platform, vuSmartMaps™ seamlessly links IT performance to business metrics and business journey performance. It empowers SRE and IT Ops teams to improve service success rates and transaction response times, while simultaneously providing business teams with critical, real-time insights. This enables faster incident detection and response.