Docs > Deployment & Installation > On-Prem Deployment & Installation > Deployment on Existing Kubernetes Cluster
1. Getting Started with vuSmartMaps™
3. Console
5. Configuration
6. Data Management
9. Monitoring and Managing vuSmartMaps™
vuHealthAgent is a data collection agent used on systems running Solaris and AIX for
The collected metrics and heartbeat data are sent to the vuSmartMaps data collection node or the shipper.
The node on which the agent is installed should be allowed to connect to the vuSmartMaps data collector/shipper IP and TCP/UDP port configured for the agent.
The default ports on which data is sent are
tar -xvf vuhealthagent-java.tar
/home/$USER – The installation will create vuHealthAgent directory inside /home/$USER/
/home/$USER/agents – The agents directory should exist in the system.
Login with sudo user or root user and run the below commands based on your os.
Note: (VUHEALTHAGENT_HOME) is the directory where vuHealthAgent is installed.
After the installation, the script will ask for the configuration of the installed agent. press y to configure the agent on the go or press n to skip the configuration and you have to manually configure it by updating (VUHEALTHAGENT_HOME)/conf.d/config.yml
The configuration will update the following attributes:
Note: A general assumption is agents are installed with the knowledge of the exact collection method and listening port setup at the vuSmartMaps end. If this information is not yet known, contact Vunet support.
This part of the configuration contains options to configure targets and ports to determine a given service availability using periodic heartbeat.
The agent supports service heartbeat only.
List of dictionary blocks, each containing the following mandatory fields:
– metricset: serviceAvailability
enabled: false
– type: tcpping
– doc_type: heartbeat
fetchInterval: 120
– url/ip:port
– url/ip:port
Note: You have to manually uncomment the heartbeat block in the config file to enable it.
This part of the configuration is used to enable the list of system metrics to collect from the node. Each block will contain the following mandatory fields.
– metricset: memory
enabled: true
– metricset.module: system
– memory
– doc_type: metricbeat
– type: memory
– tags: vuagent
Currently supported health metricsets are:
Note: The default configuration enables memory, load, core, cpu, disk, process, and diskio. The agent install wizard will assist in adding only the required metrics.
Logs are written to (VUHEALTHAGENT_HOME)/log/vuhealthagent.log by default.
The default log level is DEBUG. This can be changed in
The vuHealthAgent package comes with an uninstall script to uninstall.
To uninstall, simply go to the extracted setup directory and run
Uninstallation is then complete.
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VuNet’s Business-Centric Observability platform, vuSmartMaps™ seamlessly links IT performance to business metrics and business journey performance. It empowers SRE and IT Ops teams to improve service success rates and transaction response times, while simultaneously providing business teams with critical, real-time insights. This enables faster incident detection and response.