Docs > Deployment & Installation > On-Prem Deployment & Installation > Deployment on Existing Kubernetes Cluster
1. Getting Started with vuSmartMaps™
3. Console
5. Configuration
6. Data Management
9. Monitoring and Managing vuSmartMaps™
vuAppAgent is a lightweight agent that comes with a number of out-of-the-box integrations. It has support for collecting metrics from JMX, and REST APIs.
tar -xvf vuappagent-setup.tar
./install_linux – for installation on linux servers
./install_aix_solaris – for installation on AIX/Solaris servers.
Login with sudo user or root user and run the below commands based on your os.
Note: (VULOGAGENT_HOME) is the directory where vuLogAgent is installed.
The enabled/disabled plugin information, output configurations, and fetch intervals are updated on (VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/plugins.d/
Note: A general assumption is agents are installed with the knowledge of the exact collection method and listening port setup at the vuSmartMaps end. If this information is not yet known, contact Vunet support.
# Local JVM Monitor
name: local-jvm-plugin
enabled: false
className: com.vunetsystems.vusmartmaps.plugins.jmx.JMXMonitor
configClass: com.vunetsystems.vusmartmaps.plugins.jmx.config.JVMs
config: modules.d/local-jvm-plugin-config.yml
# fileName: {FILE}
# maxOutputFileSizeInMB: {FILE_SIZE}
# maxNoOfOutputFiles: {FILE_NO}
# host: {K_TARGET}
# port: {K_PORT}
# topic: {TOPIC}
# host: {L_TARGET}
# port: {L_PORT}
# consoleOutput:
# enabled: true
#fetchInterval: {FETCHINTERVAL}
All the monitoring parameters like host, port, user, password metrics are defined in (VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/modules.d
WAS is a typical web system consisting of a web server, application server, and database. Monitoring and tuning the application server is critical to the overall performance of the web system. Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) is the core monitoring infrastructure for WebSphere® Application Server and WebSphere family products like Portal, Commerce, and so on. The performance data provided by WebSphere PMI helps to monitor and tune the application server performance.
The WAS Plug-in uses Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) to collect the metrics from WAS. This uses WebSphere Application Server administrative application programming interfaces (APIs) and Java Management Extensions (JMX).
The following is the prerequisite for monitoring WebSphere Application Server
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml.By default, it is was-plugin-config.yml
– host: {IP ADDRESS}
port: ‘{PORT}’
securityEnabled: true
sslEnabled: true
clientTrustStoreFile: path/to/ClientTrustFile.jks
clientTrustStorePassword: {TRUSTSTORE PASSWORD}
clientKeyStoreFile: path/to/ClientKeyFile.jks
clientKeyStorePassword: {KEYSTORE PASSWORD}
userName: {USER}
password: {PASSWORD}
– fieldName: DisplayName
fieldValue: {DISP NAME}
– fieldName: HostDisplayName
fieldValue: {HOSTFQDN}
vuAppAgent’s WebSphere MQ monitoring module can monitor multiple queues managers and their resources such as queues, topics, channels, and listeners.
The following information is needed for vuAppAgent to monitor WebSphere MQ
setmqaut -m (QMGR NAME) -t qmgr -p “vunet” +connect +inq +dsp
setmqaut -m (QMGR NAME) -t q -n SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE -p “vunet” +inq +get +dsp
setmqaut -m (QMGR NAME) -t q -n SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE -p “vunet” +inq +put
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml.By default, it is websphere-mq-plugin-config.yml
# Host Name / IP of the IBM MQ server
host: “{IP ADDRESS}”
#TCP Listener port for the QM
port: {PORT}
#Name of the Queue Manager
name: “{QUEUE NAME}”
#Name of the SRVCONN type Channel for the Queue Manager
channelName: “{CHANNEL NAME}”
#userId and password
userId: “{USER}”
password: “{PASSWORD}”
queues: [“*”]
channels: [“*”]
– fieldName: DisplayName
fieldValue: {DISPNAME}
– fieldName: ServerIP
fieldValue: {IP ADDRESS}
The local JVM monitoring module is used when we cannot connect to a JVM remotely.
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in the plugins.yml. By default, it is local-jvm-plugin-config.yml
# JVMs to be monitored
type: “local”
host: “localhost”
# Process name to be monitored.
processName: “{PROCESSNAME}”
# The fields added here will be added to the data.
fieldName: “DisplayName”
fieldValue: “{DISPLAYNAME}”
fieldName: “HostDisplayName”
fieldValue: “{HOSTFQDN}”
To monitor any JVM remotely, the target JVM should enable Remote JMX. Set the following system property to enable the remote JMX.
Note: The JVM needs to be restarted after setting these system properties.
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml. By default, it is remote-jvm-plugin-config.yml
# Remote JVMs to be monitored
host: “{MONITOR_HOST}”
userName: “{USER}”
password: “{PASSWORD}”
# The fields added here will be added to the data.
fieldName: “DisplayName”
fieldValue: “{DISPLAYNAME}”
fieldName: “HostDisplayName”
fieldValue: “{HOSTFQDN}”
To monitor the WebLogic Server resources and applications, we can use the JMX services provided by Weblogic. We have created a Weblogic JMX client using the JMX services provided by the server to monitor its resources and applications.
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml. By default, it is weblogic-plugin-config.yml
# Host Name / IP of the Weblogic Admin Server
#Admin Port
#username and password
username: “{USER}”
password: “{PASSWORD}”
– fieldName: DisplayName
fieldValue: {DISPLAYNAME}
– fieldName: ServerIP
fieldValue: {MONITOR_HOST}
– fieldName: QmgrName
fieldValue: {QUEUENAME}
IBM Integration Bus (formerly known as WebSphere Message Broker) is IBM’s integration broker from the WebSphere product family that allows business information to flow between disparate applications across multiple hardware and software platforms. Rules can be applied to the data flowing through the message broker to route and transform the information. The product is an Enterprise Service Bus supplying a communication channel between applications and services in a service-oriented architecture.
vuAppAgent monitors the following:
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml. By default it is iib-plugin-config.yml
# Host Name / IP of the IBM MQ server
host: “{MONITOR_HOST}”
#TCP Listener port for the QM
#Name of the Queue Manager
name: “{QUEUE_NAME}”
#Name of the SRVCONN type Channel for the Queue Manager
channelName: “{CHANNELNAME}”
#userId and password
userID: “{USER}”
password: “{PASSWORD}”
#Client Connection Name
clientID: “{CLIENTID}”
#Subscription for Resource Statistics
#resourceStatisticsTopic: “$SYS/Broker/+/ResourceStatistics/#”
#resourceStatisticsSubscriberName: “allResourceStatistics”
#Subscription For Message Flow Statistics
messageFlowStatisticsTopic: “$SYS/Broker/+/StatisticsAccounting/#”
messageFlowStatisticsSubscriberName: “allFlowStatistics”
field: “Host”
in: [“{MONITOR_HOST}”]
notIn: []
field: “StatisticsType”
in: []
notIn: []
field: “ApplicationName”
in: [“{APPNAME}”]
notIn: []
AppDynamics Adapter is used to pull metrics from an AppD controller.
The following information is needed for vuAppAgent to monitor appdynamics:
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml. By default, it is appdynamics-plugin-config.yml
– url: {URL}
account: {ACCOUNT}
user: {USER}
password: {PASSWORD}
– Overall Application Performance|*
– Overall Application Performance|*|*
– Business Transaction Performance|Business Transactions|*|*|*
– Business Transaction Performance|Business Transactions|*|*|Individual Nodes|*|*
– Backends|*|*
– Errors|*|*|*
– Application Infrastructure Performance|*|JVM|*|*
To monitor apache tomcat, the target JVM should enable Remote JMX. Set the following system property to enable the remote JMX.
Note: The JVM needs to be restarted after setting these system properties.
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml. By default, it is apache-tomcat-plugin-config.yml
# Apache Tomcat Servers to be monitored
host: “{MONITOR_HOST}”
port: “{MONITOR_PORT}”
userName: “{USER}”
password: “{PASSWORD}”
# The fields added here will be added to the data.
fieldName: “DisplayName”
fieldValue: “{DISPLAYNAME}”
fieldName: “HostDisplayName”
fieldValue: “{HOSTFQDN}”
JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS) is an open-source, cross-platform Java application server developed by JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc. JBoss AS is an open-source implementation of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) that is used for implementing Java applications and other Web-based applications and software.
To monitor JBoss, the following information is required.
Note: The config file for this module is mentioned in the “config” property in plugins.yml. By default, it is jboss-plugin-config.yml
– managementUrlBase: http://{MONITOR_HOST}:{MONITOR_PORT}/management/
username: {USER}
password: {PASSWORD}
– fieldName: DisplayName
fieldValue: {DISPLAYNAME}
– fieldName: Host
fieldValue: {MONITOR_HOST}
– fieldName: applicationName
fieldValue: {APPNAME}
(VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/etc/init.d/vuappagent start
(VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/etc/init.d/vuappagent stop
(VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/etc/init.d/vuappagent status
(VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/etc/rc.d/init.d/vuappagent start
(VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/etc/rc.d/init.d/vuappagent stop
(VUAPPAGENT_HOME)/etc/rc.d/init.d/vuappagent status
The vuAppAgent package comes with an uninstall script to uninstall.
To uninstall, simply go to the extracted setup directory and run
Uninstallation is then complete.
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VuNet’s Business-Centric Observability platform, vuSmartMaps™ seamlessly links IT performance to business metrics and business journey performance. It empowers SRE and IT Ops teams to improve service success rates and transaction response times, while simultaneously providing business teams with critical, real-time insights. This enables faster incident detection and response.