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Console > Alerts and Notification > Alert Console > Accessing Alert Console

Accessing Alert Console

vuSmartMaps Alert Console can be accessed by navigating from the left navigation menu (Observability > Alert Console).

When you open the Alert Console, you initially see a default setting, but you can choose your preferred time frame using the time picker in the top right corner.

Alert Listing

This tab lists the detailed view of ‘Active Alerts’ and ‘All Alerts’ triggered during the specified period.

  • Active Alerts: This tab lists the detailed view of ‘Currently Active Alerts’ that were triggered during the specified period.

    • Alert ID:  The unique ID for the alert. You’ll notice a thick colored line at the start of each row, indicating the Alert’s severity.
    • Alert Rule Name: The name of the rule that triggered the alert, helping to identify the specific condition or set of conditions that were met to generate this alert.
    • Summary: It provides a summary of the Alert, highlighting crucial details.
    • Location: The region or location where the alert was generated.
    • Active Duration: How long the alert has been active.
    • Severity: The severity level of the alert.
    • Total Duration: The combined duration of the alert being active and inactive.
    • Device IP: The IP address of the device where the alert originated.
    • Affected Category: The category of the affected component or system, such as Network, Application, or Database, that helps in quickly identifying the impacted area. Example: Payment
    • Business Impact: Information on the business impact of the alert. Example: Credit, Debit.
    • Source: The source of where the alert was generated.
    • Created Time: The timestamp of when the alert was created.
    • Correlation ID: A unique identifier used to correlate this alert with other related alerts, helping in identifying patterns or related incidents.
    • Alert State: The current state of the alert, with possible values – Notification, Alarm New, Alarm Update, or Alarm Clear.
    • Ticket ID: The ID of the ticket created in the incident management system for this alert.
    • Ticket Creation Time: The timestamp of when the ticket associated with this alert was created.
    • Last Modified Time: When the alert was last edited.
    • Last Occurrence: The most recent time the conditions for the alert were met, indicating the latest instance of the issue.
    • Likes: User feedback indicating approval or usefulness of the alert.
    • Dislikes: User feedback indicating disapproval or lack of usefulness of the alert.
    • Related Events Count: The number of related events linked to this alert,
    • Status: The current status of the alert, with possible values – Unassigned, In Progress, or Cleared.
    • User Reaction: The reaction or feedback provided by users regarding the alert. Example: Like.
    • AppName: The application that is affected by the alert, providing context on which part of the system is experiencing issues. Example: CBS Main
    • Business Journey: The specific business process or journey impacted by the alert. Example: UPI.
    • Component: The specific component or part of the system that triggered the alert, such as a server, database, or application module. Example: CBS Component
    • ServerName: The name of the server that is experiencing issues.

  • All Alerts: This tab lists the detailed view of ‘All Alerts’ triggered during the specified period.

Rule-Based Alert Correlation

The tag ‘R’, which is present next to the Alert ID, indicates Rules-Based Correlated Alerts.

The correlation helps by analyzing many alert streams from different sources, correlating them by various factors, including data and domain, and reducing the noise. 

💡 Note: The columns displayed here can be personalized based on your requirements. You can look up the instructions under Configurations.

Auto Refresh

The Auto Refresh option in the Alert Console allows you to automatically update the list of alerts at regular intervals. This feature ensures that you always have the most recent alert information without needing to manually refresh the page.

  • The dropdown menu provides various time intervals (e.g., 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc.) for auto-refreshing the alert list. You can select any of these intervals based on how frequently you want the data to update.
  • The Pause Auto-Refresh option allows you to temporarily stop the automatic refreshing. This can be useful if you want to analyze the current data without it changing.
  • “Updated 2m ago” – This auto-populated status indicates how recently the alert list was last updated, helping you know if the displayed data is the latest or if a refresh might be needed.


Users receive instant notifications as events occur. You can check these notifications in the Notification bar under the Alerts section, as shown in the screenshot below. We show the most recent 5 alerts. You can go to Alert Console upon clicking ‘View all’. You can go to “Alert details” of the Alert Console by clicking an alert.

Alerts Based on Severity

The Alert Console page provides widgets summarizing events categorized by their severity.

These widgets offer the following insights: The total count of events grouped by severities:

  • Critical: Displays all the critical Alerts. 
  • Error: Displays all error Alerts.
  • Warning: Displays all warning Alerts.
  • Information: Displays all information Alerts.


To filter the Alert Console for a specific severity, like Error, click the Error widget. To remove the filter and see all events, click on the Error widget again.

You can apply multiple filters in the Alert Console by clicking on multiple widgets. For example, to view both Error and Warning events, click on both Error and Warning widgets, and the page will filter accordingly.

Further Reading


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